Dream of Anhui
Hefei (CH)Content by Tippett, sound design and mix by Dan WoolwebsiteHeilongjiang in the Air
Harbin (CH)Content by PixomondowebsiteVoletarium
Rust (DE)at Europa ParkwebsiteYunnan in the Air
Kunming (CH)Content by Dexter Studios, Live TonewebsiteFlying GuangDong
Guangzhou (CH)Content by Dexter Studios, Live TonewebsiteAvatar Flight Of Passage In Pandora
Orlando (US)At The World Of Avatar / Animal KingdomwebsiteFly Jiangsu
Wuxi (CH)Content by 4th Creative PartywebsiteSichuan in the Air
Chengdu (CH)Content by Tippett, sound design by Dan Wool (mixed by Full Dimension)websiteSoaring: Fantastic Flight
Tokyo (JP)At Tokyo Disney SeawebsiteChongqing in the Air
Chongqing (CH)Content by Tippett, sound design by Dan Wool (mixed by Full Dimension)websiteShandong in the Air
TaiAn (CH)Immersive sound mix by Full DimensionwebsiteLong March digital experience pavilion
Guizhou (CH)Immersive sound mix by Full DimensionwebsiteSoaring Over The Horizon
Shanghai (CH)At Shanghai Disney Resortwebsite